Our youth can change the world tomorrow but they need our help today.
Why Donate?
As leaders in our community we know the value of investing in the next generation of young people. Our youth have the potential to become innovators and entrepreneurs that can change the world tomorrow but they need our help today. By donating to a scholarship or an internship you are motivating youth to continue striving for greatness.We firmly believe that engaging youth in the arts and other meaningful experiences helps build well rounded individuals.
Our Programs

We offer scholarships to all students from our partner school, The Los Angeles Academy of Arts and Enterprise that graduate and attend a postsecondary institution to earn a certificate or degree.

We provide students with internship stipends so they are able to grow in the arts and business. We currently have opportunities for youth to intern at Premiere Entertainment and Everybody Dance LA. Premiere Entertainment is an international sales company, which has rapidly acquired over 100 new titles since its formation in 2012.

Extracurricular Activities
By providing youth with extracurricular opportunities we give youth the best opportunity to reach their full potential. If it weren’t for the Arts and Enterprise Foundation many youth would not have the opportunity to engage in outdoor camps, art residencies, and experiences such as Junior Achievement Finance park.
Your donation helps students like Osman
I’d like to share the story of Osman Amaya with you. Osman grew up on a farm in El Salvador where his family of 10 shared three eggs a day to feed everyone. His mother wanted a better life for him and his siblings so they migrated to the United States. Upon his arrival Osman enrolled at our partner school, The Los Angeles Academy of Arts and Enterprise (LAAAE) and began working part time as a street vendor to help his mother pay the bills. Despite working and attending school simultaneously, Osman managed to join the basketball team, get elected student body president, become a peer mentor, and graduate with honor roll. While enrolled at LAAAE Osman took advantage of every opportunity our school offered. He attended SAT preparation classes, college workshops, and sought the help of the student services team for his college essays and applications.
As a result of Osman’s hard work he was the first in his family to attend college and also earned a full-ride scholarship to College in Michigan. Currently Osman is in his sophomore year at Kalamazoo College and pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish. He plans to become a teacher so he can teach students from disadvantaged backgrounds like himself so they can provide a better future for themselves.
The Maya Moreno Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to the top performing students at LAAAE. I created this scholarship because I believe one should be rewarded for their performance because it takes hard work and sacrifice to reach one’s academic endeavors. My hope is that this scholarship goes to a deserving, hard working candidate who works hard to have financial support to carry out the commitment of academic endeavors. I also believe that education is a pillar to financial independence and financial freedom. I wanted to create a scholarship in my late daughter’s name because she was very smart, however she did not have the opportunity to receive the education that these beautiful students have due to illness. It makes me very happy to see her name attached to a worthy contribution to help other kids who are working diligently to develop themselves into career minded adults.

Contact Us

www.theaef.org 2022